What We Do

Firmus Advisory is the Number One Business Consultancy in Ghana.

We are your eyes on the ground, providing valuable local business intelligence and hand-holding services for your business.

Compliance Services

Firmus Advisory delivers on all regulatory compliances, business registration, immigration support and statutory licenses & permits.

Market & Social Research

We assist businesses to understand consumption & market patterns and trends of your product and service by exploring their needs.

Compliance Services

Firmus Advisory delivers on all regulatory compliances, business registration, immigration support and statutory licenses & permits.

What We Stand For……


We respect all individuals and value their contributions, but we are one company, one team. For our clients, we are part of your team. We believe in creating remarkable experiences together.


In an ever-changing world, we understand your needs not only in your market but what is required elsewhere and match them to you


Our curiosity sparks an endless appetite for coming up with new things and finding creative solutions to problems. Ours is to dream your solutions and make it happen for you.


It is part of us to deliver quality services of unmatched value, constantly raising the bar on our performance. For us, excellence is knowing what you need and getting it done.


We are dependable, not only for the services we provide, but also for how we carefully manage the relationships we develop. We believe consistency is key to building trust.
about us lady

Inspire To Deliver Values

Partners’ Message

When we decided to set up Firmus Advisory, it was out of a need for information by investors who were looking to do business in Ghana. Several investors found it difficult to get information on setting up, market data analysis, connecting with local business and all. We took up the challenge of being that go-to reliable partner for information and guide in doing business in Ghana and West Africa. Over the years, we have grown and deepened our operations by providing a combination of market entry services in Regulatory Compliance, Research and Trade Development under one roof.

Our desire was further heightened by the zeal to build a brand out of Ghana that could compete globally as a business advisory firm. As such, over the years the firm has transformed and built a team of high achievers, multilingual, innovative and multi-sectoral professionals who go all end to make sure our client’s problems are solved promptly.

For us, our strength is our people, and we are inspired to deliver value in all we do.


Our Team

We are a team of highly motivated problem solvers who have strong analytical abilities and a desire to deliver value to our clients.


Explore our ever-expanding universe of free insights and resources.


Listen to our Podcast
Ghana Business Now!
0:00 / 0:00
Marketing and Distribution of Beverages in Ghana

What our Clients Say….

It’s always a joy to hear that the work I do has positively impacted our clients and that they are happy to share their experience.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)