Legal requirements

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Share register and Company registers -What you need to know

Share register and Company registers are essential for proper corporate governance. Share register displays the list for shareholders at any given point in time. Company register also displays information about the officers of the company i.e. directors (formal and current), secretary, auditor including address and particulars of all these officers…
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What you need to know about the legal requirements for business registration in Ghana? 

There are several legal requirements for every business registration in Ghana. The legal requirements mean any statute, code, law, rule, regulation, order or other requirements, standard to procedure enacted, adopted, or applied by any governmental authority, including judicial decisions applying common law or interpreting any other legal requirement.   For example,…
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Registering a Sole Proprietorship Business in 2024

Registering of Sole Proprietorship business in Ghana is fairly simple and easy. On average, 70,000 sole proprietorship businesses are registered in Ghana yearly at the Registrar General’s Department. Registration of a sole proprietorship business takes about 7 days to get done. It is sometimes informally called ‘ one-man-business’ in Ghana.…
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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