Storage and SAN Admin

Job TitleStorage and SAN Admin
Job StatusFull Time
Company TypeIT Services and IT Consulting
Work – LocationGhana
Reporting toService Delivery Manager
Job SummaryThe Storage and SAN Administrator manages the company’s storage and SAN

infrastructure to ensure availability, reliability, and performance. He monitors

storage capacity, perform backups, resolve issues, and collaborate with other IT

teams to align the storage environment with overall IT strategies. He participates.

in disaster recovery planning, implement best practices, and may select new

storage technologies and solutions.

Roles and Responsibilities·         Setup and provision storage which include EMC, Hitachi, Huawei, Oracle and NetApp storage controllers but may change as CUSTOMER’s need evolve.

·         The creation and assignment of storage space to servers and services.

·         Provision of storage connectivity including the installation of HBA, Switches, fiber connections

·         Monitor current storage environment with regards to Usage, Performance, Availability and Reporting

·         Replication, where necessary, of SAN storage Logical Unit Numbers to remote locations

·         Perform Storage/data migration from new and existing infrastructure

·         Storage capacity monitoring including alerting when utilization exceeds at prescribed levels

·         Setup of enterprise storage controllers / subsystems

·         Provisioning of storage volumes and logical mapping to systems and services

·         Storage performance tuning and troubleshooting

·         Create new RAID group and LUN on storage servers.

·         Perform day to day provisioning and support of the storage and SAN Brocade infrastructure

·         Ensure all storage sub systems are at least on n-1 code level as determined by the OEM

·         Provide 1st and 2nd level storage support, and act as an escalation path for 3rd level support to the

·         Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)

·         Perform administration on Direct Attached Storage (DAS)

·         Perform administration on Networked Attached Storage (NAS)

·         Perform administration on Storage Attached Network (SAN)

·         Perform administration on Virtual Tape Libraries (VTL)

·         Management of space, volume, RAID configuration, LUN, zone, security, business continuity volumes, NAS, SAN, DAS performance, etc.

·         Manage, monitor and provide capacity and allocations reports on all storage and storage related systems managed by IT which include Block/File/Object storages, Engineered Systems, File servers,

·         Converged\Hyper-Converged Infrastructure etc.

·         Consolidation of storage and storage cost optimization.

·         Conduct storage migrations, replication and other related activities as required to align to application workload and/or backup requirements, maintain headroom on the storage systems and to reduce storage subscription levels.

·         Provide architecture as well as performance recommendations to DBAs, engineers, and application owners

·         Business critical volume or point in time copy related trouble shooting.

Qualification and Experience·         A degree in computer science, IT, systems engineering, or related

·         Advanced knowledge and experience with tape-based backup hardware

·         Experience with deduplication storage systems, with Data Domain being

·         preferred.

·         Experience with working with EMC,HPE ,Huawei and Hitachi high end Storage

·         Experience with SAN Fabric Technologies

·         Experience in installation and management of integration clients

·         Experience in Tape Library management

·         Experience in administrating applications build in Clusters Good team player,

·         Self-confident, motivated, and independent.

·         Strong time management and organisational skills

Send your applications to [email protected]



Job Category: IT
Job Type: Full Time
Job Location: Accra

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